Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator - Essay Example Of course, every discipline does have an ethics or methodological code of conduct, and the point is not to criticize archaeologists. However, what the nature of their activity is as a 'type' depends on the context. In some contexts, the very same activity is grave robbing while in others, it is a respected science. Problems of identity or 'types', can be described as having a 'gray' area, and this is precisely why the question is being raised in the introduction. The problem with the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator is that there are too many cross-over to other 'types' and that the line between types is no clearer than it is for any other concept that involves some notion of 'identity'. The following will analyze the Introverted Intuitive Thinking Judging (INTJ) type and the 'mastermind' within the Keirsey scale, with an eye toward demonstrating some of the limitations. INTROVERTED: On the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, the first attribute of the INTJ type is introverted. It is important t o stress that this is a specific form of introversion. This form might be described as an 'escaping to' rather than an 'escaping from'. Some introverts are that way because they are trying to get away from social interactions and for a variety of reasons or causes. The INTJ personality is introverted, but they are so as a matter of choice. Being introverted allows for conceptual or analytical activity to take place, and thus as a choice, for the INTJ, it can be described as just a â€Å"practical† decision [Personality Page, 2011, â€Å"INTJ†]. INTUITIVE: Like the introverted quality, the intuitive side of the INTJ and for the writer of the present analysis, is one that is not a strictly conventional definition. Intuition or the form of intuition for the INTJ can be said to be rational. As an individual who invests a lot of time in learning and investigating, the type of intuition that is accessible to the INTJ is also the outcome of conditioning through â€Å"reasonà ¢â‚¬  or â€Å"rationality† [Personality Page, 2011, â€Å"INTJ†]. That is, intuitions take the forms of finding a common thread through seemingly disparate elements, and having the insight at first which was conditioned by reasoning patterns of the past, and further, a type of intuition that can be factually verified. That is, the rational side of the INTJ will not allow an intuition into the conceptual scheme, without there being some practical or pragmatic reason to do so. And, the pragmatic or practical side of the intuition, is to verify or empirically test the intuition rather than just trust the instinctual or emotional side of the experience. THINKING: In the Myers-Briggs Personality Types, the opposite of â€Å"thinking† is â€Å"feeling† [Personality Page, 2011, â€Å"INTJ†]. As was described in the previous section on intuition, thinking or rationally analyzing phenomenon is a primary mode of operation for the INTJ. At this juncture, it is important that both the type and my own self-assessment maintain that thinking through a situation is much more important and indeed, valid, then just feeling about it. For instance, as a parent, this would mean that 'love' 'is not' all you need – that is, to invert a well known set of lyrics from the rock group, the Beatles. Rather, parenting would involve making decisions on what is most reasonable and practical, rather than what the emotion of love is dictating.  

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