Saturday, October 12, 2019

Faith and Reason in The Nineteenth Century Essay -- Essays Papers

Faith and Reason in The Nineteenth Century Throughout history, there have been many trends and patterns that have allowed humankind to learn from its mistakes. This reflection on the past is an important characteristic that distinguishes humans from all other life on earth. To make sure that humans do not fall into the same evil devices that our forefathers did, we must examine how our faith and reason has progressed through the past few centuries. Reason began to be the sole factor that effected the direction life was taking. This rationalism even crept into the sphere of religious influence. In Europe during the nineteenth century, human reason made strides toward modernism by shifting focus onto the individual, and by applying what we had learned as a whole, thinkers intellectual advancements were used for the betterment of industry and society. During this same period in time, the church's power was subordinated to that of the state for the first time. In Europe, and especially in the tumultuous nation of France, the church faced fierce attacks from the governments of the nations. In France, this was more apparent than anywhere else. When the new government of Robespierre and the council of public safety came to power, they put vast restrictions on the power held by the Roman Catholic Church in France. To begin with, the government took church owned lands to pay off large amounts of debt that existed prior to the revolution. This was not an overly popular decision with the church. To further control the church, the National Assembly issued the Civil Constitution of the Clergy. This document placed the church below the state in the overall hierarchy of power. To put the loyalties of the divided clergy to the tes... ... found in Aspects of Western Civilization, 180. 7 Child Labor as found in Aspects of Western Civilization, 130. 8 Child Labor as found in Aspects of Western Civilization, 130. 9 Marx, Karl and Fiedrich Engels. The Communist Manifestoà ® as found in Aspects of Western Civilization, 149. 10 Marx and Engels. The Communist Manifesto as found in Aspects of Western Civilization, 150. 11 Owen, Robert. Utopian Socialism as found in Aspects of Western Civilization, 148. 12 Mazzini, Guiseppe. The Duties of Man as found in Aspects of Western Civilization, 166. 13 Mazzini, Guiseppe. The Duties of Man as found in Aspects of Western Civilization, 166. 14 Mazzini, Guiseppe. The Duties of Man as found in Aspects of Western Civilization, 165. 15 Mazzini, Guiseppe. The Duties of Man as found in Aspects of Western Civilization, 165.

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