Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Researching and Developing a New Business Venture Essay

Researching and Developing a New Business Venture - Essay Example The paper also focuses on the micro level evaluation of the restaurant industry, with the help of Porter’s five forces model. Subsequently, the paper accentuates on the micro-level restaurant industry evaluation, with due consideration to the economic viability of the restaurant business model. The paper further confers the mission and the aspiration of the team. Finally, the paper concludes with the discussion of the rationale for the attractiveness of the new venture and cites reasons for the same. Table of Contents Executive Summary 2 Introduction 4 Micro-Level Market Assessment 5 Macro-Level Market Assessment 7 Macro-Level Industry Assessment 8 Micro-Level Industry Assessment 10 Team Assessment 13 Summary and Conclusions 15 References 16 Bibliography 19 Introduction The paper comprises of a customer feasibility assessment for setting up an Afro-Caribbean restaurant in Allerton, a suburb in Liverpool, United Kingdom. The paper initially focuses on the micro-level assessment of the market for the restaurant. This assessment is focussed on identifying the target market segment for the Afro-Caribbean restaurant, its size and growth opportunity. The assessment also accentuates on the needs of the target group and the suitability of the restaurant’s cuisines in meeting those needs. ... Conclusively, the paper discusses the rationale for the attractiveness of the new venture and cites reasons for the same (Mullins, 2007). Micro-Level Market Assessment The potential target market for an Afro-Caribbean restaurant in Allerton, Liverpool would be the British Afro Caribbean community and other ethnic groups residing in the area as well as the British population who have a liking for Caribbean foods. The total population of Allerton has been estimated to be around 30,000 (VDC Group, 2011). It has been observed that a decent magnitude of ethnic population resides in the Allerton region and its vicinity. Bernstock (2007), had stated in his study on the meal preference of Afro-Caribbean people that a clear correlation could be identified amid the African-Caribbean populace interviewed and their consumption preference, with an obvious inclination for Afro Caribbean cooking. This was despite the fact that there have been considerable cultural and social changes that has been o bserved amongst the Afro Caribbean population in the United Kingdom over the years (Caterer and Hotelkeeper, 1986). Additionally, the rapidly increasing statistics of ‘Black and Minority Ethnic’ restaurants imply that there is huge potential for a restaurant business, catering Afro Caribbean foods (Bernstock 2007). This is particularly true for Allerton because this neighbourhood of Liverpool does not have any prominent eatery dedicated solely to Afro Caribbean cuisines. During the recent years, a significant market has emerged for the category of cuisine, often referred as the ‘ethnic’ food. The augmented production of ethnic food in the UK lately is partially a response to the expanding group of African and other Ethnic communities in the UK. However, the growth in

Monday, October 28, 2019

New England and Chesapeake Essay Example for Free

New England and Chesapeake Essay During the 1610, the New England and Chesapeake region were both settled largely by people of English origin, but by 1700 the regions developed into two distinct societies. The distinctions of development arose due to differences in economy and political structure. The economy and political structure of New England and Chesapeake differed based on the geography, needs and the different values or purposes that the regions served, causing two distinct societies to emerge by 1700. In terms of economics, early distinctions occurred in that the economy of the Chesapeake colonies was based on large plantations whereas the economy of New England was based on subsistence farming and mercantilism. In early 17th century Virginia, tobacco became Virginia’s biggest profits. By 1700, 40 million pounds of tobacco was produced and large plantations were dedicated to just growing tobacco, producing a single crop economy. The large plantations provided landowners or tobacco growers with cheap and plentiful labor through the use of slaves and indentured servants. In document C, the passengers aboard the ship bound for Virginia are all mostly made up of single men well below the age of 40, showing that many are probably indentured servants who are going to work in the large plantations. By the 1660s the overproduction of tobacco dramatically decreased tobacco prices causing indigo and rice to become greater commodities. Still large plantations dominated the economy by producing indigo and rice as well. However New England colonies were based on subsistence farming and a barter economy in the early 17th century. Only enough food would be grown to support the community. Fishing oysters, whaling and homespun industry (artisans) dominated the economy. In document B, many craftsmen ventured to New England, showing that artisans were an important part of the economy. There were a few number of farmers aboard the ship as well indicating that farming was not a large part of the economy. After the Restoration and the Navigation Acts in the 1660s which restricted colonial trade to England, New England became a mercantile based economy. Trade dominated the economy. The Chesapeake colonies depended more one agriculture in their economy whereas the New England colonies depended more on trade due to the geography of the two regions. Chesapeake was located further south than New England, therefore having longer warmth periods and flat lands. These geographical  advantages allowed the Chesapeake colonies to have a longer growing season and to be able to create large plantations. The geography of the New England colonies restricted the growing season due to the high ground with many rocks and the cooler climate. New England was located along the coast giving it access to many deep harbors to foster trade. Chesapeake and New England were able to develop in to distinct societies due to their different economies where Chesapeake relied on agriculture while New England relied on mercantilism. In terms of economics, the economy of the regions differed in that Chesapeake was based on slave labor and indentured servitude whereas New England was based on reciprocity. Document A shows how New England is based on reciprocity. John Winthrop, claims that in order for the Massachusetts Bay Colony to succeed, everyone in the colony must work together productively and fend for one another. â€Å"We must be knit together in this work as one man. We must entertain each other in brotherly affection, we must be willing to abridge ourselves of our superfluities, for the supply of other’s necessities.† This shows that the colonists of New England not only work as a group by helping each other achieve success, but also treat each other with respect. Document B shows that most of the passengers heading to New England are heading there with their entire family, indicating there must be a cooperation system in New England where people cooperate with each other to meet their needs and gain profits. Many families are also traveling with their own servants therefore it can be seen that indentured servants or slave labor was not the foundation of the New England economy. In contrast document C shows that the p eople heading towards Virginia (Chesapeake colony) are mostly young single men who are probably indentured servants thereby showing that the economy of the Chesapeake colonies are based on slave labor and indentured servants. During the early 1600s, the Chesapeake colonies mostly depended on indentured servants and some slave labor since a large and cheap labor source was needed for the tobacco plantations. Since many people did not come in families, families formed slowly and could not provide a strong and abundant labor force. Natives in the colonies died quickly, causing a need for a more reliable labor force. Therefore the colonists of the Chesapeake colonies turned to indentured servants, displaced farmers in England who wanted to venture to the colonies, but did not have enough money to pay for the voyages by themselves. A plantation owner would pay for the indentured servants’ voyage and the indentured servant would have to work off the debt by working on the plantations with the promise that they would get land and shelter once they were freed. However, in the 1660s indentured servants became scarce and many of them were freed from service causing plantation owners to turn to slave labor to maintain their plantations. The economy of the Chesapeake colonies depended on slave labor and indentured servitude while New England depended on reciprocity due to Chesapeake’s dependence on agriculture for wealth and New England’s dependence on trade and crafts for wealth. Plantations worked most effectively through the use of cheap and abundant labor while trade and mercantilism worked most effectively through cooperation. In terms of political structure, differences in government can be seen in that the Chesapeake colonies were based more on the landed aristocracy whereas the New England colonies were based more on religion and the church. In the Chesapeake colonies the plantation owners of the landed aristocracy had most control over the government. Many landowners and the landed aristocracy made up the government including the council and the House of Burgess in Virginia. These officials made up the laws and collected taxes, giving them control over the government. William Berkeley, the governor of Virginia during the mid-1600s adopted many policies favoring the plantation owners and used his powers to benefit the landowners, giving large planters economic and political control in the colony. Many freemen who worked off their debts did not have land. The favoring of the landowners by the government soon erupted into a rebellion led by Nathaniel Bacon. In Document F, Bacon’s Manifesto claims that the government is corrupt and only concerned for their own estates, collecting all the money from the taxes to better develop their estates, showing how the planters dominated the political life of New England. The government failed to protect the frontier settlements where most yeoman farmers were from Indian attacks and instead only concerned themselves with the large plantations. In contrast the government of the New England colonies were centered on religion. In the Plymouth settlement, the church became the civil and social institution of the colony. People who did not conform to the religious values or ideals of the Puritans were executed as seen in the Salem Witch Trials, where the government ordered and allowed the execution of â€Å"witches† or social outcasts  in 1692. In Massachusetts, communities of pure Christians were made. The government did not tolerate any religious views besides Puritan views. Even educati on and literacy centered on religious values. Land in the New England colonies were maintained and controlled by the Elders of the church and the amount of land given to each family would depend on their usefulness to the church as well as the size of the family. Every family should have enough to sustain themselves. The church also dominated political authority. Only male church member could vote, pass taxes, settle disputed, hold town meetings and appoint government officials. The government of the New England colonies was centered on religion whereas the government of the Chesapeake colonies was centered on planters. The differences are due to the original purpose of each region/colony. Virginia and Maryland were founded primarily for commercial venture causing land and commodities to become most important, thereby having land equated power. Massachusetts and Plymouth were founded primarily for refuge for English separatists or puritans causing religion to become the most important aspect of colonial life and thereby giving power to the church. All in all the New England and Chesapeake settlements evolved into two distinct societies despite their English origin due to their economic and political differences. The economy of New England was based on mercantilism and reciprocity/cooperation whereas the economy of Chesapeake was based on agriculture and slave labor. The political system also differed in that New England was based on religion whereas Chesapeake was based on the landed aristocracy and the planters. The differences caused the different regions to develop distinctive needs in order for the regions to prosper, leading to two distinctive societies.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Days :: essays research papers

It all happened so fast; it felt like a dream. I wish I could tell everybody my story but no one is listening now. Yeah, that was the best: the dreams we had. Nothing mattered except for those otherworldly dreams. Every day, Louie and I would wake up, whether it be in a high school boiler room or a urine-soaked alley, and talk about what we dreamt. He used to always have dreams with that Marshmallow Man from Ghostbusters in them. We talked about it for a while and came to the conclusion that Louie probably just wanted to sleep on a pillow. A long time ago I had a dream that Louie and I were rabid monsters and we beat each other into bloody pulps. We had a good laugh about that one. That's what kept us going day after day: dreams. Well, dreams and our "business partnership." See, we didn't hobble up to you like sick dogs and beg you for a nickel or a cigarette. We took whatever the hell you had on you. We were so good at it, too. It was all about picking the right people at the right time. Friday nights, we used to drink a 12-pack and approach people in a raging frenzy using a toy squirtgun as a concealed weapon. It was hilarious. Don't get me wrong, though: being nineteen and homeless wasn't "fun." Checking 45 year old women's pockets for money was the closest I had been to getting some in three years. I looked like the garbage that I slept in. The only time I showered was when Louie and I could afford to rent a cheap hotel room for the night. But above all, Louie and I hated being cold. Those biting Detroit winters used to suck the life out of us and not give it back until April. The date and time didn't matter in the winter; all that mattered was that you were cold. Our dreams really did keep us alive at those times. Your mind is all you've got when the rest of your limbs are numb with frostbite and hunger pulsates through your body. Louie was such a great guy. I just wish I could go back down there and talk to him. We could talk about nothing for hours upon hours. Louie would make me forget that I hadn't eaten in two days. In February, we would get wasted in parking structures and take turns smac king each other across the face until the pain and laughter made the cold go away.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

M.A.English Literature

UNIVERSITY OF MUMBAI * CODE:11100001 UNIVERSITY EXAMINATION OF MA Part-I April-2013 204 ADMISSION CARD CCF:0279:02826 CENTRE 22 M/A SEAT NO. 05955 M/F F EXAM No. COLLEGE 0279 CANDIDATE'S NAME PAPER 4001 4002 4003 4005 RATHOD ARCHANA BHUPESH VIMAL SUBJECT NAME OPTIONS SELECTED 26/04/2013 11:00-02:00 29/04/2013 11:00-02:00 03/05/2013 03:00-06:00 22/04/2013 11:00-02:00 INDIAN LITERATURE IN ENGLISH (1820S ONWARDS) LINGUISTICS AND STYLISTIC ANALYSIS OF TEXTS LITERATURE OF ENGLISH RENAISSANCE AND RESTORATION NINTEEN AND TWENTIETH AMERICAN CENTURY LITERATUREVENUE NOTE : Please visit mu. ac. in OR mu. ac. in/idol FOR VENUE LIST four days before start of examination * : TO BE WRITTEN ON THE BARCODED CUM OMR ANSWERBOOKS SIGNATURE OF PRINCIPAL OF THE COLLEGE ON THE PHOTO NOTE : 1. CANDIDATE MUST PRESERVE AND PRODUCE THIS CARD AT EACH SESSION OF THE EXAMINATION, WITHOUT WHICH ADMISSION TO THE EXAMINATION MAY BE DISALLOWED . T-EXEMPTION IN THEORY P-EXEMPTION IN PRACTICAL E-EXEMPTION IN BOTH Appli cation ID:13812110249 N. B. :Please note the examination no. or the result on IVRS on following Tel. No. 26526866,26526287,26526167,26526282 or Website: www. mu. ac. in INSTRUCTIONS FOR OBSERVANCE DURING THE EXAMINATION 1. On every Answer Book and every supplement Issued to you, enter your Seat Number and other particulars. 2. Do not write your Name or in any way reveal your identity anywhere in the answer book/ Supplements. 3. Write on both sides of each sheet. DO NOT TEAR OUT any sheet from the answer book/ Supplements. 4. Write your answer for each question on a new page.Question Nos. 1,2,3 etc. , and subquestion nos. (a), (b), (c), or (I), (II), (III), etc. should invariably be written in the margin where the answer to the respective question or sub-question begins. 5. Each section should be answered separately (in separate books). Examination do not undertake to examine answers written in the wrong answer book. Tie together the answer book and supplements relating to the same s ection. Enter on the page of the answer book the total number of supplements including the answer book submitted. . All answer books and supplements issued to you, whether written or blank must be handed over back when the final bell is rung. 7. Candidate will NOT be allowed to leave the examination hall during the first half -an-hour or during the last ten minutes of each session of the examination. 8. Rough work, if any, must be done in pencil and on the left hand page of the answer book/ supplement and NOT on the question paper or the blotting-paper. 9.Candidate will be expelled from the examination hall if (I) he/ she brings any books, notes scribbling or scribbled paper; (II) he/ she speaks to or communicates with any other candidate; (III) he/ she takes away an answer book or supplement; (IV) he/ she disobeys any instructions issued by the conductor or the supervisor. 10. A warning bell will be rung ten minutes before the examination begins and the final bell at the close of e ach session of the examination. Writing or answer must stop with the final bell.Candidate must not leave his/ her seat until all answer books are collected by the supervisor. 11. Student must carry their Photo ID Proof as follow : (Driving Licence/ PAN Card/ Aadhaar Card/ Voter ID Card/ Pass Port/ Employee ID Card). 12. If any Correction on Hall Ticket please contact University of Mumbai, Room No: 112, IDOL, Dr. S. D. Sharma Bhavan Vidyanagari Kalina Campus, Santacruz (East), Mumbai-400 098. Contact No: 2654 3241, 2654 3238 13. Please check your Name and Subjects carefully. 14. Please check the date and time with the examination programme on notice board/ visit mu. ac. in/idol

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Research Critique of Benefits of Systematic Phonics Instruction

The purpose of this study or major research question â€Å"was to find if children taught with systematic phonics programs outperformed children in nonsystematic phonics or non phonics programs. † (Graaff, Bosman, Hasselman, &Verhoeven, 2009) The authors do list a major research question, but the problem statement was not as clear as it could have been. The reader has to read in depth of the entire article to really bring conclusion to what is being researched. It is not very defined with clarity, but you are able to figure out what is being researched and tested. The problem is significant and relevant because the researchers are looking at two approaches using a control group of children enrolling them in five types of programs: Basal reading programs, regular curriculum, whole language, whole word, and miscellaneous programs. In whole language approaches, it is believed that children will learn language (oral and written) best if it is learned for authentic purposes (Stahl, 1999). The author states the computer-based experiment permitted us to compare the differences and effectiveness of a systematic and a nonsystematic phonics approach, because in both programs the same 10 grapheme-phoneme correspondences were taught. Hypothesis The authors open their article with, â€Å"systematic phonics instruction appears to be more effective than non systematic instruction for teaching reading. † (Graaff, Bosman, Hasselman, &Verhoeven, 2009) In the present study, a systematic phonics approach was directly compared with a non-systematic phonics approach for kindergarten children. Feature Article  Country School  Allen Curnow The authors clearly state what they feel will happen in their research but do not go into much detail other than one or two reviews from other authors of why they support the research in the pre testing of it the way that they do. The author explains on the measures of phonemic awareness, spelling, and reading, the systematic phonics group made more progress than the nonsystematic phonics group and the control group. Results The results of the test in the productive letter sound test at pretest were . 13. The performance showed to be no difference between the two training conditions in this section. The free sound isolation test at pretest was 0. The performance on the free sound- isolation test of children in both the unsystematic phonics training and in the control condition was found to have no difference. The measurement of the Reading Test found no difference between the phonics training and the same measure and outcome was found with the spelling test. The results of the testing procedures were hard to read and understand. The process used by Intra Class Correlation was the measurement used at the pretest. It never discusses the ICC during the posttest. Whether the ICC was used it never refers to it after the pretest discussion.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The Commonly Confused Verbs Shall and Will

The Commonly Confused Verbs Shall and Will The verbs shall and will both point to the future, but in contemporary  American English, shall is used only rarely. In  British English, shall and will are often used interchangeably with little or no difference of meaning. According to linguist R.L. Trask, traditional rules regarding  shall and will are little more than a fantastic invention. Internationally, will is now the standard choice for expressing future plans and expectations. However, in first-person questions shall is often used to express politeness  (Shall we dance?), and in legal statements, shall is used with a third-person subject for stating requirements (Rent shall be paid  when due,  in accordance with the terms hereof). Examples I signed the lease. Incredible. In the middle of all this fine print, there was the one simple sentence, There shall be no water beds.(John Updike, Gesturing. Playboy, 1980)   Stuttering, Bessie told him  what had happened to her. She showed him the handle of the key she had clutched in her hand all night.Mother of God! he called out.What shall I do? Bessie asked.I will open your door.But you dont have a passkey.(Isaac Bashevis Singer, The Key. The New Yorker, 1970)   [W]hen people come and see me they always say, Shall we meet in the local pub?(Simon Russell Beale, quoted by  Imogen Carter  and  Kathryn Bromwich, What Goes On in the Wings. The Observer [UK], November 20, 2016)   If you do not eat your potatoes, you will be upset, and I will be upset; your father, clearly, is already upset. If you do eat your potatoes, I shall be pleased, you will be pleased, your tummy will be pleased.(William Goldman, The Princess Bride. Harcourt, 1973)   I will go home, Bessie decided. People will not leave me in the streets.(Isaac Bashevis Singer, The Key.  The New Yorker, 1970)   Humans need to find a new  planet within 1,000 years to keep the species alive,  Stephen Hawking said in a talk this week. Hawking, the noted theoretical physicist, said that humans will likely expend the planet’s resources in that time.(Justin Worland, Stephen Hawking Gives Humans a Deadline for Finding a New Planet. Time,  November 17, 2016) Usage Notes [T]heres simply  no reason to hold on to shall. The word is peripheral in American English.(Bryan A, Garner,  Garners Modern English Usage, 4th ed. Oxford University Press, 2016) The Traditional Rules There is a traditional textbook ruling that runs as follows. For simple futurity, you use shall after I or we but will after everything else, while, to express determination or command, you use will after I or we but shall after everything else. By these rules, the required forms are We shall finish tonight (simple statement) versus We will finish tonight (expressing determination), but They will finish tonight (simple statement) versus They shall finish tonight (an order).As grammarians never tire of pointing out, these bizarre rules do not accurately describe the real usage of careful speakers at any time or in any place in the history of English, and they are little more than a fantastic invention. If you are one of the handful of speakers for whom these rules now seem completely natural, then by all means go ahead and follow them. But, if you are not, just forget about them, and use your natural forms.Do not try to use shall if the word does not feel entirely natural, and especia lly dont try to use it merely in the hope of sounding more elegant. Doing so will probably produce something that is acceptable to no one.(R.L. Trask, Say What You Mean! A Troubleshooters Guide to English Style and Usage, David R. Godine, 2005) The Hazy Distinction Between Intention and Futurity [T]he distinction between intention and futurity can be hazy, and grammarians of C17 and C18 devised an odd compromise whereby both shall and will could express one or the other, depending on the grammatical person involved. . . . Research by Fries (1925) into the language of English drama from C17 on showed that this division of labor was artificial even in its own time. These paradigms were however enshrined in textbooks of later centuries and still taught a few decades ago. Their neglect is one of the better consequences of abandoning the teaching of grammar in schools.(Pam Peters, The Cambridge Guide to English Usage, Cambridge University Press, 2004)​ British Uses of Shall and Will British people use I shall/I will and we shall/we will with no difference of meaning in most situations. However, shall is becoming very much less common than will. Shall is not normally used in American English. . . . Shall and will are not only used for giving information about the future. They are also common in offers, promises, orders and similar kinds of interpersonal language use. In these cases, will (or ll) generally expresses willingness, wishes or strong intentions (this is connected with an older use of will to mean wish or want). Shall expresses obligation (like a more direct form of should).(Michael Swan, Practical English Usage, Oxford University Press, 1995)​ Where Shall Survives In colloquial and indeed all spoken English . . . will is fast displacing shall in all cases in which shall was formerly used and in which we are recommended to use it. . . . It survives chiefly in first person questions, where it usefully distinguishes Shall I open the window? (as an offer or proposal) from Will I need a towel? ( will it be necessary). It is useful that the construction ll stands for both shall and will. (Eric Partridge, Usage and Abusage, edited by Janet Whitcut, W.W. Norton, 1995)​ AP Style Use shall to express determination: We shall overcome. You and he shall stay. Either shall or will may be used in first-person constructions that do not emphasize determination: We shall hold a meeting. We will hold a meeting.For second- and third-person constructions, use will unless determination is stressed: You will like it. She will not be pleased.(The Associated Press 2015  Stylebook and Briefing on Media Law, Basic Books, 2015) Practice (a) Lets go into the church, _____ we?(b) If you build it, he _____ come.(c) Martha _____ bring the salad. Answers to Practice Exercises: Shall and Will (a) Lets go into the church, shall we?(b) If you build it, he will come.(c) Martha  will bring the salad. Glossary of Usage: Index of Commonly Confused Words

Monday, October 21, 2019

How to have swag

How to have swag Elements to be proven by the crownRelevant section of the criminal codeMaximum sentencePossible defencesMurderKilledAnotherPersonUnlawfullyWith intentSect. 302 30525-lifeSelf defenceProvocationDiminished responsibilityManslaughterLack of intentTwo types of Manslaughter:Voluntary-Involuntary ManslaughterCriminally negligentUnlawful conduct or a dangerous actDuty of careHigh risk of very serious injury25 years- lifeDuressNecessitySelf DefenceGBH1. The accused did grievous bodily harm to the complainant; and2. That the doing of the grievous bodily harm was unlawful.According to QLD Law for the charge of Grievous Bodily Harm, The Maximum penalty for the offence of Grievous Bodily Harm is 14 years imprisonment.1. Lack of will2. Accident3. Compulsion or emergency (also known as duress or necessity)4. Insanity5. Intoxication6. Self-defence provided a reasonable person felt they were subjected to force which could cause death or grievous bodily harm.Torture1. The accused inflicted severe pa in or suffering in the complainant. To inflict pain and suffering is to cause it to be felt. The pain or suffering may be physical, mental, psychological or emotional and it may be temporary or permanent. Pain and suffering is subjective. One person may experience greater pain and suffering from the same pain invoking factor than another person.2. The accused inflicted the pain and suffering intentionally. That is, that the accused intended his or her act(s) to inflict severe pain or suffering on the complainant. It is not enough that such suffering is the consequence of the accused's act(s) and that the acts were deliberate. The prosecution must prove an actual, subjective, intention on the part of the accused to cause severe pain or suffering by his/her conduct.Sections 320AThe Maximum penalty for the...Franà §ais : Brain activation

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Entertainment Writing Jobs You May Not Have Considered †Part 1 of 2

Entertainment Writing Jobs You May Not Have Considered – Part 1 of 2 As a former literary manager, I represented film and television writers for the better part of eight years. Many of the talented but less experienced writers who hadn’t yet made a living at the craft were solely interested in creating original screenplays that would be shopped to production companies, studios and packaging agents. They never wished to consider the myriad other ways they could make money in the industry with far less competition, even if such work might lead to their ultimate goals. Here are a few such ideas for those writers seeking to take the road less traveled: Become a Writer’s Assistant Feature film and television writers have assistants that do everything from menial work like rolling calls and faxing to more creative pursuits like researching, writing synopses, doing coverage, and even giving development notes. The hours might be long and the grunt work tiresome, but it’s one of the best ways to see how scripts get produced. It also allows you to make connections with other professionals like agents and producers. In the case of television, you see how a writer’s room runs while taking notes for the staff writers. Moreover, TV shows often promote from within, giving promising assistants an episode to write after a season or two. To get such a job requires tenacity and fortitude, but high turnover rate among industry assistants means jobs are opening up all the time. Join online writers’ groups and attend events to network with other assistants, scour entertainment job aggregators like the UTA Joblist, and post your assistant profile on job sites like Media Match to try and get in the door. Voice-Over Copywriting You hear voice-over in movie trailers all the time. You know the guy who begins Write Educational Materials Those with a more extensive track record and knowledge of the entertainment world could use their talents to help others. Educational materials such as how-to books, film history guides, and resource manuals have become a more viable option with the rise of downloadable ebooks and self-publishing. Having some specific know-how in a given area, whether it’s fundraising, non-linear editing or Italian New Wave directors, makes you more appealing. Reach out directly to university film departments to gauge their interest in your material, even before you create it. If they’re not interested, they may be willing to offer suggestions on materials that would better fit their curriculum. Smaller colleges and certificate schools may be more accessible for those writers who don’t have a master’s degree and a lengthy resume. You can also contact organizations like US-based TES, Journeys in Film or British-based Film Education to see if they’re willing to let you create paid lesson plans or other original teaching materials for their programs. (Tune in next week for Part 2 of Entertainment Writing Jobs You May Not Have Considered)

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Apple Company Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Apple Company - Research Paper Example (Philip Kotler et al. 4). Apple has continued to provide high quality goods and it keeps attracting more people especially the younger generation. Historical background: Apple computers Inc. was started by Steve Jobs,  Steve Wozniak, and  Ronald Wayne. The Apple 1 computer kit was its first product which was designed and built by Steve Wozniak. In the years between1983 and 1996, Apple manufactured products like portable CD players and TV appliances but they were not able to capture the interest of the targeted consumers. In the 1990`s, Apple made an important decision by choosing not to license its technology and as a result Microsoft captured the market and Apple`s share of the worldwide market for personal computers declined to its lowest level. In 2007, Steve Jobbs changed the company`s name to Apple Inc. With the introduction of the iPod, in 2001, Apple started becoming popular. Its innovative and advanced products resulted in rapid growth and high sales. Apple spent a large amount on marketing campaigns in order to promote its products. In 2011, however, Apple suffered a great loss with the death of its co-founder and chief executive officer Steve Jobs Nature of the firm: The company started as Apple Computers which designed and built customer electronics, computer softwares and personal computers only. Then, Steve Jobs transformed it into Apple Inc. and its non-Pc devices started gaining popularity. The company has retail outlets in Japan, Europe, Asia, US etc. Its headquarters is in Cupertino, California. It is a company with competes with a large number of firms throughout the different industries it has entered till now. The target market for Apple includes home users, creative individuals from the younger generation, small and medium sized business etc. Its major competitors include IBM, Dell, Microsoft Windows, Samsung, Nokia etc. Apple`s marketing approach is one which focuses entirely on its customers. It focuses on emerging stronger and presen ting the global market with high-technology products. Products: IPod: This product of apple provided the customers to listen to digital music in a different way and it comes with a unique look. In 2003, Apple also opened the ITunes store. With its features like more storage, high sound quality, elegant design and moving large quantity data very quickly all these specifications made this product competitive in the market. Product’s different color like white makes this Apple device special. Ipad: Another apple product Ipad is the one product that brings you close to the things you love to do like reading a book, playing piano, listening to music or looking at your photos. It’s a new experience, one you have never imagined. Its elements like camera, wireless connection and display are even better Mac: Macbook is a full sized laptop with extremely low weight and uses SSD storage and Intel CPUs. It was the first subcompact laptop offered by Apple. Its updated model was rel eased in June`2012. Its major competitor is ultrabook by Intel. Most recently, Macbook Pro has been released by Apple Inc. Iphone: It includes a line of smartphones which was first released by Steve Jobs in 2007. The entire industry of smartphones was revolutionized through its introduction. The first ever iPhone was released in 2006 in 22 countries which could function as a portable media player, a video camera with

Friday, October 18, 2019

Canadian Federation of Independent Businesses Case Study

Canadian Federation of Independent Businesses - Case Study Example The company can do this by utilizing its strength of being one of its kind in the country and the strong ties with the government. However, it also needs to surpass the weaknesses mentioned above as well as the continuous threat of small market base. This report concludes with the recommendation that CFIB enhance its image through the addition of service which will enable its member to interact and help each other by the provision of an online platform. This is expected to attract new members, enhance revenue, and promotes customer satisfaction. The CFIB is a non-profit organization that represents independent companies nationwide from home-based to midsized businesses which employs hundreds of employees. CFIB offers several products besides support services which the companies can avail through annual memberships at reasonable fees. True to its commitment of representing the plight of its members, CFIB serves as the voice of these business organizations which currently numbers over 105,000. Since its establishment in 1971, CFIB has irrefutably accomplished massive victories against the government's unfair policies which has proven its loyalty to its members. Because of the ever-changing external environment, busines... What is notable in CFIB is its inability to recreate itself amidst the changes in its environment. Since its inception in 1971, CFIB strategies' remained almost unchanged. It should be credited for its aggressiveness in fighting for its members against unfair government regulations and its ability to bring about changes in some of the policies yet the conservative strategies that it utilizes in accomplishing these feats are irrefutably outdated making them unsuitable for today's business environment. CFIB failed to realize that its members' desires and need have evolved over the years. Some of the services such as sources and information that CFIB is offering can now be acquired and are readily available elsewhere. Previously, the major concerns of members are knowledge on issues such as taxation, banking and regulations. Yet, it is increasingly becoming apparent that members are now well-equipped with these information and are looking for something more. Thus, CFIB should recreate i tself in order to cope with these changes and serve the emerging needs of customers. In addition to this, there are some loopholes in the organization's operation. Because it is the nature of its objectives that CFIB is fighting for small businesses as a whole, it cannot fight for each member individually. Thus, CFIB services are not limited to its members but are extended to non-members as well. The point is, there are no incentives for nonmembers to join, as their rights are being fought for whether they became members or not. CFIB should answer this question convincingly: "Why would a small business join our organization" The incentives should be logical and it needs to give reasons that can

Petroleum supply in the usa Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Petroleum supply in the usa - Term Paper Example According to the energy sector of the United States, petroleum products meets about 40 % of the Americans needs and wants. Most of the American citizens worry about the harzoudous effects of oil on the environment and they would like the nation to keep moving and acquiring more sustainable oil sources. Additionally, there is controversy over the political stage management and the sources of the American oil, which is vital in meeting the demands of oil in the American state (, 1). In more than 200 million years, formation of oil beneath the surface of the earth occurs continuously. However, in 200 years time, the rate of consumption of the oil formed beneath the surface of the earth is high. Research done shows that in 40 years to come, depletion of the oil resources remaining would occur. The United States would still have other fossil oil like shale, oil, coal, tar, sands and natural gas. This means that even if depletion of all the oil resources occurs in the United States, they would still have other fossil fuels that would earn them capital. United States do not only depend on the sale of oil as their only source of income but they have other sources. However, most of these energy resources are too expensive and the process of converting them to transportable fuels for use would cause harm to the environment as they produce harmful emissions to the surroundings (Glass, 5). Between the year 1950 and 1970, the world demand for oil has increased from 11 million barrels to 57 barrel respectively. The United States consumes almost 20.7 barrels of oil, which is the most compared to other countries, which are the five next largest consumers of oil, which Germany, Japan, Russia, China and India. The United States remains the largest consumer of oil even though the world demand for oil has increased as the economies of China and India has developed (Wright, 1). In the year 2009, refineries used an

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator - Essay Example Of course, every discipline does have an ethics or methodological code of conduct, and the point is not to criticize archaeologists. However, what the nature of their activity is as a 'type' depends on the context. In some contexts, the very same activity is grave robbing while in others, it is a respected science. Problems of identity or 'types', can be described as having a 'gray' area, and this is precisely why the question is being raised in the introduction. The problem with the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator is that there are too many cross-over to other 'types' and that the line between types is no clearer than it is for any other concept that involves some notion of 'identity'. The following will analyze the Introverted Intuitive Thinking Judging (INTJ) type and the 'mastermind' within the Keirsey scale, with an eye toward demonstrating some of the limitations. INTROVERTED: On the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, the first attribute of the INTJ type is introverted. It is important t o stress that this is a specific form of introversion. This form might be described as an 'escaping to' rather than an 'escaping from'. Some introverts are that way because they are trying to get away from social interactions and for a variety of reasons or causes. The INTJ personality is introverted, but they are so as a matter of choice. Being introverted allows for conceptual or analytical activity to take place, and thus as a choice, for the INTJ, it can be described as just a â€Å"practical† decision [Personality Page, 2011, â€Å"INTJ†]. INTUITIVE: Like the introverted quality, the intuitive side of the INTJ and for the writer of the present analysis, is one that is not a strictly conventional definition. Intuition or the form of intuition for the INTJ can be said to be rational. As an individual who invests a lot of time in learning and investigating, the type of intuition that is accessible to the INTJ is also the outcome of conditioning through â€Å"reasonà ¢â‚¬  or â€Å"rationality† [Personality Page, 2011, â€Å"INTJ†]. That is, intuitions take the forms of finding a common thread through seemingly disparate elements, and having the insight at first which was conditioned by reasoning patterns of the past, and further, a type of intuition that can be factually verified. That is, the rational side of the INTJ will not allow an intuition into the conceptual scheme, without there being some practical or pragmatic reason to do so. And, the pragmatic or practical side of the intuition, is to verify or empirically test the intuition rather than just trust the instinctual or emotional side of the experience. THINKING: In the Myers-Briggs Personality Types, the opposite of â€Å"thinking† is â€Å"feeling† [Personality Page, 2011, â€Å"INTJ†]. As was described in the previous section on intuition, thinking or rationally analyzing phenomenon is a primary mode of operation for the INTJ. At this juncture, it is important that both the type and my own self-assessment maintain that thinking through a situation is much more important and indeed, valid, then just feeling about it. For instance, as a parent, this would mean that 'love' 'is not' all you need – that is, to invert a well known set of lyrics from the rock group, the Beatles. Rather, parenting would involve making decisions on what is most reasonable and practical, rather than what the emotion of love is dictating.  

Consumer Behavior Final Campaign Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Consumer Behavior Final Campaign - Essay Example Because of this particular target market, Samsungs product offering to these individuals is necessarily high tech, cutting-edge, sleek, attractive, and expensive. By means of contrast in comparison, the target market that exists within lesser developed regions of the world, namely South America, many parts of Africa, and regions of Asia, is significantly different. Utilitarianism and functionality is the main concern that this target market represents. Beyond this, durability and low cost are other metrics that are highly appreciated within the aforementioned – lower income regions of the globe. Because of this, Samsungs target market within these areas is specifically predicated upon a larger segment of society; one that represents youth as well as individuals of a more advanced age. Similarly, as the income gap is far wider within these particular regions, and for individuals make up a statistically larger percentage of the overall population, the target market is specifical ly directed towards those that are not able to afford the more high-end and technologically advanced product offerings that Samsung is otherwise known. As a result of this fact, the product, as well as the target market, it is differentiated as compared what has already been discussed.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator - Essay Example Of course, every discipline does have an ethics or methodological code of conduct, and the point is not to criticize archaeologists. However, what the nature of their activity is as a 'type' depends on the context. In some contexts, the very same activity is grave robbing while in others, it is a respected science. Problems of identity or 'types', can be described as having a 'gray' area, and this is precisely why the question is being raised in the introduction. The problem with the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator is that there are too many cross-over to other 'types' and that the line between types is no clearer than it is for any other concept that involves some notion of 'identity'. The following will analyze the Introverted Intuitive Thinking Judging (INTJ) type and the 'mastermind' within the Keirsey scale, with an eye toward demonstrating some of the limitations. INTROVERTED: On the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, the first attribute of the INTJ type is introverted. It is important t o stress that this is a specific form of introversion. This form might be described as an 'escaping to' rather than an 'escaping from'. Some introverts are that way because they are trying to get away from social interactions and for a variety of reasons or causes. The INTJ personality is introverted, but they are so as a matter of choice. Being introverted allows for conceptual or analytical activity to take place, and thus as a choice, for the INTJ, it can be described as just a â€Å"practical† decision [Personality Page, 2011, â€Å"INTJ†]. INTUITIVE: Like the introverted quality, the intuitive side of the INTJ and for the writer of the present analysis, is one that is not a strictly conventional definition. Intuition or the form of intuition for the INTJ can be said to be rational. As an individual who invests a lot of time in learning and investigating, the type of intuition that is accessible to the INTJ is also the outcome of conditioning through â€Å"reasonà ¢â‚¬  or â€Å"rationality† [Personality Page, 2011, â€Å"INTJ†]. That is, intuitions take the forms of finding a common thread through seemingly disparate elements, and having the insight at first which was conditioned by reasoning patterns of the past, and further, a type of intuition that can be factually verified. That is, the rational side of the INTJ will not allow an intuition into the conceptual scheme, without there being some practical or pragmatic reason to do so. And, the pragmatic or practical side of the intuition, is to verify or empirically test the intuition rather than just trust the instinctual or emotional side of the experience. THINKING: In the Myers-Briggs Personality Types, the opposite of â€Å"thinking† is â€Å"feeling† [Personality Page, 2011, â€Å"INTJ†]. As was described in the previous section on intuition, thinking or rationally analyzing phenomenon is a primary mode of operation for the INTJ. At this juncture, it is important that both the type and my own self-assessment maintain that thinking through a situation is much more important and indeed, valid, then just feeling about it. For instance, as a parent, this would mean that 'love' 'is not' all you need – that is, to invert a well known set of lyrics from the rock group, the Beatles. Rather, parenting would involve making decisions on what is most reasonable and practical, rather than what the emotion of love is dictating.  

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Without middleware, the integration of application in distributed Term Paper - 1

Without middleware, the integration of application in distributed application environment is difficult - Term Paper Example This delay can cause increase in queuing time and can lead to slower system response and the system can even crash. Middleware acts as a broker between different software applications in the form of coded request processing. This paper examines the importance and role of Middleware in distributed computing. A literature review and case studies with examples from Middleware implementations are analyzed. The findings indicate that Middleware is very important in modern distributed computing environment considering the huge variety of third party applications. The paper concludes that it would be very difficult to integrate the vast variety of applications without Middleware applications. Middleware has been described as the software glue that integrates objects distributed across a large number of heterogeneous IT systems. It is also regarded as software that helps to make integration of application easy by providing standard program interfaces that act as hooks and software developers need to make their applications latch to these hooks. Middleware is called as software that allows different applications to talk with each other, exchange data and complete the transactions. Thus, Middleware acts as a broker between software applications. The software industry complexity has increased with new languages, platforms, operating systems, applications and their new versions being launched almost continuously and Middleware helps in the integration of these applications (Maximilien, et al, 2009). With thousands of developers and different flavors of software application, operating systems and platforms would not be able to process connectivity and compatibility requests from these entities. In other words, a web program written in Java would want to connect to another server program written in say VC++. There would be differences in syntax, procedures, calls, and sub routines and so on. It would not be possible for

Marketing Mix Essay Example for Free

Marketing Mix Essay â€Å"Marketing Mix† is a set of strategy marketing tools that a firm mingles and pursues its marketing objective in the target market. (Kotler and Armstrong, 2006, p.51) The main purpose of marketing is satisfies the needs of consumers. This concept was introduced by Harvard University Professor Neil Borden first adopted in 1964. (Neil Borden, 1964) It is the basis for the development of corporate marketing strategy in order to guarantee and satisfaction consumer needs and wants. In addition, it is also a trick for corporate against a strong competitor to rational allocation of corporate marketing budget costs and avoids the market failure. In the early 1950s, Professor McCarthy inference if a firm wants to develop marketing activities should be controlled factors grouped into four categories which are product, price, place and promotion. (McCarthy, 1960) The emergence of the marketing mix means that the concept of market operators to complete the transformation of old and new regulations read, the development of new ideas marketing concept. The marketing concept is the core of the target customers needs as the centre, the implementation of the marketing mix focusing on the overall market to obtain profits and achieve corporate marketing objectives. For example, the marketers will use the tools to adapt the consumer differ from that of a traditional and new technology product which is telegraph and Apple. The telegraph is a kind of communication services in the early 19th century invention, is the earliest use of electricity to communicate. The telegraph has greatly accelerated the flow of messages, is one of the important inventions of the industrial society. Early telegraph communications in the land, and later used the submarine cable to carry out long-distance service. To the early 20th century, began to use the radio sent telegram to the telegraph business basically have been able to reach most of the region on Earth. Telegraph is mainly used as a pass text messages. (Robert, 2012) Apples was established in 1976 by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak, the core business is electronic technology products. The most famous product is the MacBook, iPod music player, iTunes Store, iPhone and the iPad Tablet PC. It is known for innovation in high-tech enterprise. When they introduced  iphone4 and iPad, it is shook the entire world, because it delivers the latest advanced and progressive in the smart phone to the people. Coupled with the advances of the Internet, people can communicate with each other in the quickest and shortest possible time. (Shane, 2010, p.2) When the telegraph was invented was shook the world; Apple technology developed was also shook the world. However, two products were invented at different times, so the marketing mix will be also different. Marketing Mix Tools Product Product is anything that can be offered to the market/consumer in order to satisfy their needs and wants. The types of product divide into tangible (physical goods) and intangible (services). (Philip Kotler et al, 2005, p.34) The telegraph was provided service to send the message from place to place and the Apple Company was provided physical goods to consumer e.g. IPhone and MacBook. According the MarketingTeacher theory, the core level of the two products is same. The reasons that both products shocked the world are the great inventions and consumers really want to buy for communications. 19th century, the augmented product are limited because the technology is not so developed, the telegraph service will be hampered, such as, Malaysia sent a telegram to the British have to spend more on time. Moreover, this service is difficult to guarantee that service failure in the middle or cannot reach. (Marketingteacher, 2012) However, at that time, the telegraph is the most advanced ways of communication. The telegraph introduced was successful to meet the consumers expectations. The Telegraph can do is keep the research becomes more convenient such as e-mail developed. With the advancement of the Internet, using IPhone to send information may only need a few of seconds or minutes. Advanced technology has been sufficient to attract and influence customers to buy e.g. Internet-ready communications device complete with email, web browsing, maps, application and more Apple has been able to become the largest electronics company because the brand-strategy decision. According Kotler and Keller theory, a company has 4 choices when it comes to brand strategy. Apples continuous  with line extension in recent years, such as the IPhone 3 development to the iPhone 4s. In addition, they also focus on brand extension e.g. IPod music player, MacBook, and IPad. (Kotler and Keller, 2011, p.260-261) Constant innovation will affect consumers become more eager to get better items. Apples was stimulated the certain product by implementing new design, operability, and user-friendly features. (Shane, 2010, p.13-19) Price Price is the amount of money paid by consumers in order to obtain goods and services. It is the most flexible marketing mix tools compared to the other three P because it can be changed according to certain situations. (Kotler and Armstrong, 2006, p.290) For example, price can change to low when serve a familiar customer. The era of the telegraph, telegraph monopoly by one company and demand more than supply. The absence of competitors, the level of prices is actually not greater impact on consumer decision-making. (Anonymous, 2010) In fact, the telegraph has reached maturity which mean successfully to maximize profit and maintain the market share, but in the end cannot be avoided the market penetration by new technology such as telephone and fax. Nowadays, the harvest strategies for the telegraph were still processing, but it become the history and use less service. â€Å"Apple also plans to continue lowering product prices, despite the fact that doing so would affect the company’s gross margins unfavourably.† (Shane, 2010, p.19) This obviously shows Apple considering the current trend. There are a lot of competitors, the price must be reduced, and consumers will give priority to their own economic situation and needs. For example, the MacBook is very expensive, but other brands have the same technology, but the price is low, then the Apple will lose in price. In fact, there are many factors to help Apple successful, such as, iPhone does not have the driving force without internet, or, people do not have high purchasing power in less advanced country, Place Place refers to urban and suburban whereby goods and services are made available to customer. (Philip Kotler et al, 2005, p.34) Location is also very important tactic, if the telegraph company established beside garbage,  this is impossible there are business opportunities. Apples successful because it expands the market size of the companys product to every urban in the worlds. They have a priority to brand honor, low price, and then choose a high population place, coupled with a reasonable promotion, the consumer is difficult to reject the attractive of the good opportunity to satisfy the needs and wants. For example, consumers can buy the iPhone in every city. Even if Apple was provide a good product, but there are other factors to affect the sales volume such as PEST. For example, in Malaysia, the government set the minimum salary is not high; economic downturn; the extremists are not satisfied with phone radiation; or higher scientific and technological discovery. The contrary, the telegraph machine may be a country only a few units, if consumer want to send a message, he must go very far in order to be sent information. However, they share the invention to the world, thus affecting the entire market. Countries can use the telegraph to the purchase of advanced equipment from foreign countries, is very fast compared to letters. Communications make it easier for the world to develop their own countries, such as London and New York. At the same time, the inventions of telegraph available share to other inventors in order to research and development other invention, such as telephone and Internet. Promotion Promotion is a planned effort of an organization to communicate the company offerings to customer as well as trade members, it is also known as marketing communications. (Philip Kotler et al, 2005, p.34) As competition, Apples combinations of more promotional tools (promotion mix) (Kotler and Armstrong, 2006, p.290) used to provide information and services to consumers, such as advertising the new type of iPhone 4s, or, remind the iPad product still available on market. And, sales promotion which is the package promotion provided by the middle man. For example, Maxis communicate company launched buy in low price with two 2 year contract for using Maxis service line. (Maxis 2012) In opposite, the telegraph was invented, may be placed on billboards to inform the existence of the telegraph service. Or, they may in publish in the newspaper to post the benefits of the telegraph.  Today it is impossible to see the telegraph promotional, because the telegraph has reached decline stage in product life-cycle. The promotion is a very important tool to reach consumers, providers must be given attractive and priorities guideline to consumers, in order to achieve market comparative advantages Conclusion Conclusion, if the company has long existed in the market, consideration must be given to 4p will not stop the service to the consumers. Second, companies must avoid all factors that influence consumer decisions making and continuous research and development in order to avoid be eliminated by new technology. - Question 2 (Part 2) a)  My name is Apple is a red with white strips of fruit plants. Apple flesh has a wealth of minerals and vitamins, the most commonly people used fruit. My flesh contains vitamin C and B, carotene, riboflavin, pyridoxine, dietary fibre and vitamin B complex, and so on Nutrition. Vitamin C is a powerful natural antioxidant which helps the body to develop and increase the resistance, and cleared from the body of the harmful free radicals. Dietary fibre can helps prevent absorption of dietary LDL cholesterol in the gut. The dietary fibres also help protect the mucous membrane of the colon from exposure to toxic substances by binding to cancer causing chemicals in the colon. (Nutrition-and-you, 2012) In addition, my skin is yellow, green and red, yellow and red where the flesh is sweet, while the blue is sweet with a tart. Planting apple will not be very difficult, farmer only need the seeds of apple and buried in the soil to take care of, in the end can grow a new generation of â€Å"me†. Peoples market, consumer can buy me with 0.2 pounds per unit. However, not every country of the soil can be cultivated apple, in some countries, the weather was too hot, or too cold, there are not suitable to  grow a sweet and delicious apple e.g. Arabia and Egypt. (Rutuja Jathar, 2011) My apple peel is rich in antioxidant function, so it gives me more durable. Businesses are regarded me long-distance transported to other countries, and keep fresh selling out. My fleshes bring a lot of benefit; therefore, businesses have to use my benefits to earn profit in the market. Some marketers edit my appearance as a billboard to let people know the benefits; some lecturer launch courses to teach people why eat apple; some even speak An apple a day keeps the doctor away., let people every days put me into their mouth. But I am very happy, because it can provide nutrition to the people, and also to give business opportunities to the businesses. b) The 21st century, as the peoples lifestyle changes, healthy is the future trends. Marketers were took my benefits packed into the marketing mix to make a profit e.g. health care products. In fact, the benefits also allow employers to solve some problems, that is, reduce the employees work attitude. Some unemployed tradesmen are quite willing to interview, but less than enthusiastic about taking a job. In fact, every companys marketing strategy will directly affect the employees attitude, such as the companys tactics cannot growth the profit, so will make employee lose fighting spirit. My marketing mix, it is undeniable that can help many employees. First, according to the Matt Michel theory, the visibility and benefits of the product is to improve the companys sales. Sales will be able to enhance the employees salary, which is the best reason to convince the employees. If the company is not profitable, the employee is no longer rescued by the employer. The employee will be particularly concerned about the ability to obtain better benefits, such as salary increase, allowances, and so on. Secondly, although the price is just one ringgit an apple, but this price is a very big influence to the market. Some people believe that the price of one ringgit is difficult to obtain more profit, but the global populations are more than 6.9 billion, if one person to eat an apple a day, if an apple earns 0.01 pounds, the employer successful to earn 69million. If the employer with a high brand image, employee can be proud to work in the  company. Thirdly, apple can sell all over the world can affect the employment rate. Some places cannot grow apples, but the employer can transfer the apple to the country with the advance of technology e.g. keep fresh and air transportation. The finally is promotion. â€Å"An apple a day keeps the doctor away’, I believe everyone knows the proverb. There is no doubt that it was enough to affect the consumers of existing and next generation, and only need the proverb advertising to remind the consumers to buy it. Apples low has been reached maturity, unless it was confirmed that the Apple bringing harmful, otherwise the employee will agree that the business opportunity of apple will not be end. (Matt Michel, 2010) c)  Admittedly, I have many benefits but also have a negative side. Apple skin can protect the pulp of fresh, but if it loses the apple skin, the pulp will become no nutrition and broken just in ten minutes, so consumers must be finish it in short time. Of course, the solution is placed the flesh in the water contains antioxidant, so apple can maintain and extend the nutrition of the flesh, but this is only a temporary solution, it is best to immediately eat. Apple is a natural plant items, Apple can improve peoples health, which is the largest business opportunities. Consumer only can use the existing technology to maintain the nutrition of apple such as plastic fresh wrap. Reference Part 1 reference Philip Kotler, Gary Armstrong, 2006. Principles of Marketing 14th edition, p.51-290, Pearson Education Limited, Prentice Hall, USA. Borden, Neil H. (1964), The Concept of the Marketing Mix, Journal of Advertising Research, 4 (2), 2-7. Robert McNamara, unknown year (2012 copyright). The Invention of the Telegraph Changed Communication Forever: A Communication Revolution Wired the World In the 19th Century, online, n.d, available from World Wide Web: [accessed date 03th May 2012] Shane R. Mittan, 2010. APPLE: A Case Study Analysis, 28th Jan, Western Michigan University, West Michigan Ave, Kalamazoo, Philip Kotler, Veronica Wong, John Saunders, Gary Armstrong, 2005. Principles of Marketing, 4th European Edition, p.34-36, Pearson Education Limited, Mateu-Cromo Artes Graficas, Spain. Anonymous, 2010, History of the U.S Telegraph Industry, online, 01th Feb, available from World Wide Web: [accessed date on 03th May 2012] Marketingteacher, 2012, Three Levels of a Product, online, n.d, available from World Wide Web: [Accessed date on 04th May 2012] Philip Kotler and Kevin Lane Keller, 2011. Marketing Management, 14th Edition, Pearson Education Limited, 18th Feb, p.260-261, Prentice Hall, USA. Maxis, 2012. iPhone 4S: iVALUE PLANS, online, n.d, available from World Wide Web: [accessed date on 04th May 2012] IOANNIS KOMNINOS, 2002, Product Life Cycle Management, online, n.d, source from URENIO, available from World Wide Web: [accessed date on 04th May 2012] Part 2 References Rutuja Jathar, 2011. Apple Trees Planting: Location, online, 20th September, available from World Wide Web: [accessed date on 07th May 2012] nutrition-and-you, 2012. Apple fruit nutrition facts, online, n.d, available from World Wide Web: [accessed date on 07th May 2012] Matt Michel, 2010. tilize a marketing mix to recruit employees, online, 1st Nov, available from World Wide Web: [accessed date on 07th May 2012]

Monday, October 14, 2019

Toyotas Organizational Structure

Toyotas Organizational Structure 1. Analyse and comment on how Toyota transformed its organizational structure to become the pinnacle of Japanese innovation, manufacturing quality and industrial strength referred to in the article. The company was established on August 28, 1937. Japanese automaker Toyota (NYSE:TM) is the worlds largest automaker with over 7.567 million vehicles in FY2009  [1]  . Totoytas sells automobiles and its parts in various parts of the world, and has recently forayed into the Chinese , Russian and Indian market. When Toyota set up its headquartes in Hollywood, it was aware that there was a desparate urgency to do something different. Home favourties , the Land Cruiser and the Toyobet had been somewhat of a disaster in the United States. Toyota did exactly that and came up with two if its most revered cars of earlier days the Cambri and the Avalon and then the inimitable Toyota Corona. In the 70s and the 80s Toyota came up with the GT2000 and the cute Corolla. With Crown and Cressida, Toyota established itself as a serious luxury car maker. In April 2002, Toyota adopted the 2010 Global Vision, a vision for meeting mobility needs in a way that respects the environment and all people. Four key themes based on trends seen as developing from 2020 to around 2030 are: Toward a recycle-oriented society Toward the age of IT and ubiquitous networks Toward a mature society (the decline of nationalism and war) Toward motorization on a global scale (societies with little private transport gaining more) These are linked to the pursuit of a new global image for Toyota with four key components: kind to the earth, comfort of life, excitement for the world, and respect for all people  [2]  . In short, Toyota has shown sales growth for over 40 years, at the same time that U.S automakers sales reached a plateau or decreased. Toyotas profit exceeds that of other automakers. Toyotas market capitalization has for years exceeded that of GM, Ford, and Chrysler; and in recent years exceeded that of all three combined.In sales rank, Toyota has become the world leader.  [3]  So what is it about Toyotas organisational structure, production capabilities, and magagement that makes it click. Employee culture The typical Japenense organisation structure can be summarised in two words long term long term longevity and loyalty. The difference between the American organisational set up and the Japanese organisational set up has not blurred to this date and one can easily identify some stark differences. The Japanese organisational set up focuses on long term productivity with innovation, where workers move across different departments and teams in the same organisation to broaden their horizon and pick up a deep insight into the way things work. There are no flashy bonuses or hikes and one gradually works his way through the top learning and labouring in the process. Teams comprise of small numbers and despite the somewhat rigid hierarchical structure there are frequent group planning exercises, aimed at better communication and constant improvement. In Japan, there is a concept known as amae. In the workplace, the boss owes a certain amount of protection to the employee, and the boss assu mes a direct responsibility for the welfare of his employees.  [4]   The employee culture in Toyota is surprisingly far more open and exciting than in some leading western organsations such as GM or Ford. Smaller teams mean that communication is easier and quicker, and decisions can be taken quickly. Employees are encouraged to come up with idea, even if they are aimed at improving the smallest of processes and even if its not in line with what the group head thinks. Toyota across the world is split into hundreds of small innovation teams. Toyota trains its production-line employees on statistical control and process improvement techniques and makes it their responsibility to develop operational innovations . Toyota invests significant funds in training employees on these tools and provides them with the resources to utilize them. The importance of front-line employees generating ideas based on local first-hand experience is reflected in what the Toyota Production System calls the gemba attitude (literally, the actual place) . In the Toyota culture, i nnovations that truly meet customer needs can best be developed in the actual site where value-added work is being done. It is therefore no surprise that more than 700,000 improvement suggestions were submitted by Toyotas employees out of which 99% were implemented and there is an average of over 10 improvement suggestions per employee per year. The Toyota Production Sytem Toyotas Global Competitive Advantage Toyotas success are largely both on a domestic level and internationally is often attributed to its core corporate ethos , developed, improved enhanced over time and reflected in what has come to be known as the Toyota Production system. The system depends in part on a human resources management policy that stimulates employee creativity and loyalty but also on a highly efficient network of suppliers and components manufacturers.  [5]   Some of the key factors involved are : The Five Ss refer to the five dimensions of of workplace optimization: Seiri (Sort), Seiton (Set in order), Seiso (Shine), Seiketsu (Standardize), and Shitsuke (Sustain). The 5S Program defines the steps that are used to make all work spaces efficient and productive, help people share work stations, reduce time looking for needed tools and improve the work environment. Sort: Sort out unneeded items Straighten: Have a place for everything Shine: Keep the area clean Standardize: Create rules and standard operating procedures Sustain: Maintain the system and continue to improve it  [6]   The TPS is based in 7 principles  [7]  : Reduced Setup Times  [8]  : All setup practices are wasteful because they add no value and they tie up labor and equipment. By organizing procedures, using carts, and training workers to do their own setups, Toyota managed to slash setup times from months to hours and sometimes even minutes.  [9]   Small-Lot Production  [10]  : Producing things in large batches results in huge setup costs, high capital cost of high-speed dedicated machinery, larger inventories, extended lead times, and larger defect costs. Because Toyota has found the way to make setups short and inexpensive, it became possible for them to economically produce a variety of things in small quantities. Quality at the Source  [11]  : To eliminate product defects, they must be discovered and corrected as soon as possible. Since workers are at the best position to discover a defect and to immediately fix it, they are assigned this responsibility. If a defect cannot be readily fixed, any worker can halt the entire line by pulling a cord (called Jidoka). Equipment Maintenance  [12]  : Toyota operators are assigned primary responsibility for basic maintenance since they are in the best position to defect signs of malfunctions. Maintenance specialists diagnose and fix only complex problems, improve the performance of equipment, and train workers in maintenance. Pull Production:  [13]   To reduce inventory holding costs and lead times, Toyota developed the pull production method wherein the quantity of work performed at each stage of the process is dictated solely by demand for materials from the immediate next stage. The Kamban scheme coordinates the flow of small containers of materials between stages. This is where the term Just-in-Time (JIT) originated. Supplier Involvement  [14]  : Toyota treats its suppliers as partners, as integral elements of Toyota Production System (TPS). Suppliers are trained in ways to reduce setup times, inventories, defects, machine breakdowns etc., and take responsibility to deliver their best possible parts. Focus on process management  [15]   The Toyota Motor Company has branches all over the world. Each division of the company is organized in almost the same way. They each have a director, sub-director, chief, and then the stuff. The stuff includes all the people that work together as a team for a particular purpose. These teams work towards research and development, production, or finance for the company. In Japan, people work for a particular company for their entire life and work their way up the organizational structure. The Toyota Group has three main parts: Toyota, Daihatsu, and Hino. The Toyota Group went on the New York Stock Exchange in 1999. Not only do they work together to produce automobiles, the company has expanded into other markets including auto-financing, ITS, telematics, housing, internet (Gazoo), and bio-technology. Toyota has a very good organizational structure. However, they need to focus on the culture of the organization. Each group in each country has a different way of conducting business in order to adapt to the culture in that country. Toyota has an advantage in Japan because it is one of the largest automobile companies in the country and in the world. Japan needs this organization for their economy to continue to be strong. Toyota is also beginning to realize their future potential. The company is looking into new markets (countries) where they can find more people who are willing to work within the strategy they are implementing. Toyota is also leading in helping the environmental opportunities within Japan and other countries. They see the need of a future plan not only for the company but also for the world. Their other future endeavors include expansion of the company, new technological advances, and an educational endeavor with the University of Chicago. Many of these opportunities are being organized by the U.S. Group, but each country has their own ideas. Innovation Delegation of Decisions to Innovation Teams Despite best intentions, if all important decisions in the innovation process are made dependent on (top) management ´s agreement a time delay will result.Therefore decisions need to be delegated to the innovation team in order to avoid these delays and enable Fast Innovation. The consent of (top) management is in this case only required at the milestones or gates of the innovation process. The members of the innovation team should be available to the team with 100% of their time in order to get the innovations to market as quickly as possible. Integration of RD into the Business Units Toyota has ensured that there is integration of the majority of RD into the business units which makes innovation management more effective. It fosters the collaboration with the other departments of the business unit and the orientation towards the customer (customer pull) in lieu of an exclusive focus on the technology (technology push). Furthermore it improves the preconditions for Fast Innovation. E.g., Last year, Toyota launched its Value Innovation strategy. Rather than work with suppliers just to cut costs of individual parts, it is delving further back in the design process to find savings spanning entire vehicle  [16]   Toyota was the first to recognize the chances of new low-cost designs as an enabler to new materials, methods of production and design principles. Such cost innovations will become a major RD focus driving the industry beyond 2015.  [17]   Long-term planning. Instead of responding to trends, fads, and quarterly numbers, Toyota looks far down the road and tries to develop products that will resonate for a long time. The best example is the Prius hybrid-which debuted eight years ago, when a gallon of gas in the United States cost a mere $1.50, and the average car buyer cared more about cup holders than gas mileage. The iconic hybrid, of course, turned out to be a breakthrough vehicle, and Toyota sold its 1 millionth Prius this month. With gas prices and fuel economy now a top concern, the Prius has helped Toyota take a commanding lead in hybrid technology  [18]  . E.g. Toyota tends to the localization of the production using plants situated in different countries as the suppliers of the companys production to the local market.  [19]   Central Innovation Teams Toyota has, as an alternative organizational structure of innovation management central innovation teams are established at the divisional level, and they will report to the head of the division, and not to to the head of an individual category, product group or brand. Such central teams are mainly utilized in cases when the motivation and resources of individual divisions, categories, product groups or brands are insufficient in order to get the respective innovation to market with maximum effort and at maximum speed despite the daily pressure and distraction from the established operation. Central Innovation Funds The innovation projects which later will be led by central innovation teams in most cases need a special budget to get funded because the divisions shy away from making funds available given the typically high risk of such projects. Without a central innovation fund these innovations would not be launched fast, if they would get to market at all. Fast Innovation would be impossible. External Interface for Open Innovation Open Innovation is a central policy of innovation management in order to get innovations to marketplace more swiftly. Toyota has in the past, directed outdoor solutions and ideas into the company. E.g. Toyota adopted the practice of using the same part across a range of models saving vast sums of money but exposing itself to the risk that even a small defect could cause global mayhem for the company.  [20]   2. Analyse and critically evaluate the extent to which Toyota achieves a fit between its strategy, the developments taking place in its external environment and its internal resources and capabilities. Toyotas internal resources and capabilities: Simply put, strategic fit may be defined as alignment between internal capability and external opportunity  [21]  . Totyota internal resources and capabilities In the 1940s and the 19 Toyota was much smaller in size and production than its American Counterparts. This meant two things. Firstly, Toyota could not enjoy economies of scale so as to manufacture as many types of equipment as inexpensively as possible and secondly, it has to find a way to establish itself in the American market. Thirdly Toyota had little or no marketing knowledge outside its domestic market. Toyota had yet to breed loyal and committed workers, who would strive to achieve innovation and cost reduction. Post world war Toyotas production was essentially limited to trucks with military applications and it was essential that Toyota enters the consumer market as soon as possible. Resources : Toyota was never particularly short of cash, and there was ample government support given to Toyota in the initial years, albeit with some terms and conditions. However domestic demand in Japan was not high and production on large scale was neither feasible not necessary. Challenges Inability to predict recession Toyota has made significant profits in the past three decades and has with ease outdone its competitors such as GM motors, Honda and Ford. However, Toyota had steeply hiked its production beginning from 2000 in order to adequately and fully capitalize on its growing brand reputation and increasing demand in North America and Western Europe. Since recession hit 2007-2008 Toyota has therefore been struggling with a problem of over-production and fixed costs. The silver lining has however been the implementation on legislation on hybrid technology, which has offered tax benegoits to consumers who opt for hybrid cars ( a core strength of Toyota) and the growing demand for environmental friendly green cars another unchallenged domain of Toyota. The good news was that some of the Toyota brands, like Prius, continued to perform well despite recession and earned it strong revenues during such tough times  [22]  . Poor performance of financial services: Toyotas diversified operations include financial services, telecommunications, prefabricated housing and leisure boats, with the automotive business accounting for more than 90 % of the companys total sales. These non core areas have particularly suffered in recession with Toyota recording a decline of net profits in the year 2008 and 2009. Fluctuating Exchange Rates Toyota being based in Japan has its profits accounted in the Japanese yen, but its sales are denominated in several different currencies. Frequent and volatile fluctuations in the exchange rate between these currencies and the yen, which has been typical in this recession mean they Toyotas on-the-record profits can significantly affected. Hence dollar-yen exchange rate been 1% lower last year (say 118.5 instead of 120), Toyotas profits would have fallen by 5 billion yen ($42 million)  [23]  . Toyota often hedges its exchange rate risk by arranging currency swaps and purchasing futures, but these operations are costly and threaten to cut into the bottom line.  [24]  In the long run, these effects are even more exacerbated: as the dollar depreciates against the yen, American sales are worth less to Toyota, and Toyotas are more expensive to consumers, so they buy fewer  [25]  . Thus profit per revenue and absolute revenue both fall from depreciating exchange rates. While Toy ota can hedge out the risk to its profit margins, it cannot easily manage the risk from falling demand. Exchange rates have become a sensitive subject among US legislators, who allege that Japan has kept the yen undervalued to stimulate sales  [26]   Loss of brand reputation and profitability in light of recall of cars. Toyotas has had to recall some of its show stealer cars such as the Camry, Corolla, Prius and some Lexus vehicles which have enormously damaged Toyotas image and brand, which was once considered not only to be reasonable but also to be safe.Toyotas mishandling of the problem, its passing the buck attitude, lack of effective communication to investors and consumers alike and most importantly its technical shortcoming of having failed to detect the real cause of the unintended acceleration have severely compromised its image. In November 2009, the company recalled 3.8 million vehicles on the same line  [27]  . Toyota has been embroiled in massively negative mass media coverage, NHTSA scrutiny, and US congressional hearings, law suits in several jurisdictions and an estimated loss of US$ 3 million worldwide.  [28]  . Obviously, its competitors have fully capitalised on this opportunity with Hyundai and Ford promptly offering $1000 rebates to owners of Toyota, Lexus and Scion bra nds in change for new Ford and Hyundai vehicles  [29]  . In the short-term, the recent recall crisis is estimated to cost Toyota over $3 billion USD worldwide.[37] As of February 2010, over 30 lawsuits have been filed against Toyota, adding onto further litigation costs. A total of 9 million vehicles have been recalled by Toyota worldwide, and each US Toyota dealer is estimated to lose approximately $2 million a month in revenue totaling $2.47 billion USD around the country.[38] Rising prices of essential commodities Global prices of various commodities trends are vital to Toyotas profitability because they determine to a large extend the ultimate selling price of the car. Rising Gasolene prices me are bound toi effect the long term ownership cost of cars as well as its resale value. The prices for steel and aluminium have been on a rise since the recession and both being a fixed cost are causes of concern for Toyota. Through mid-2008 oil prices increased dramatically. Consequently, the cost of gasoline doubled inflating the day-to-day cost of car ownership. Since consumers buy cars only infrequently, rising oil prices have only a limited impact on year-to-year car sales, but over time they cut into the industrys sales, and force companies to design more fuel-efficient fleets. Although oil prices have since moderated they will likely remain definitive in the future as the global economy recovers.  [30]   Toyotas response to changing circumstances Adoption of lean production and shift to an economies of scale production. Toyota is (or was at the time) the low cost producer in the industry. Toyota achieved its cost leadership strategy by adopting lean production, careful choice and control of suppliers, efficient distribution, and low servicing costs from a quality product.  [31]  . A few important elements of TPS were that Toyota was able to produce equipments, tools and accessories in small quantities and at a low cost of production. Also, the focus of Toyota remained more on process production rather than automobile architecture. While looks of a car were indeed the determining factor in the 70s and the 80s Toyota was the first to realize the need to produce fuel efficient cars. 2. Diversifying target consumer groups : While Toyota largely concentrated on small, fuel efficient cars it decided to enter the luxury car segment and the hybrid car segment. As of today Toyotas business is divided into three sections namely Tundra, Lexus and Prius. Tundra is Toyotas key product in the truck segment and was launched specifically to challenge the market dominance of Ford and GM in Northern America. Lexus is Toyotas luxury brand, and is one of its fastest selling achievements. Toyotas recent attempts to sell the Lexus brand in China and Japan have also been successful. Prius is Toyotas first hybrid production and has been enormously successful in a decade marked with rising fuel prices and preference for compact designs. Toyota had a definitive advantage when it came to hybrid cars, it being the first to pioneer the technology. This technology was strategically leased to Ford (which might have developed the technology on its own in a matter of a few more months) and m anaged to sustain competition from General Motors. Toyota has however fallen short of producing adequate number of cars in 2009 as a result of which demand dropped by nearly 30%. Since 2000, with moderate success, Toyota has entered Formula One, Nascar, Nascar truck, and Super GT competitions worldwide, thereby challenging European and American producers in an arena they once dominated  [32]   3. Targeting Emerging markets: Toyota capitalised on the demand in up-coming markets before others and has developed numerous manufacturing facilities, distribution networks, and brand reputation. The current recession has brought about a general decline in the demand for cars. The most affected regions include America and Western Europe, where cars are rarely bought but always leased or taken on monthly installments. Toyota has massively expanded its business since the beginning of this decade , a move which has proved to be unprofitable and there is now a strong focus in Toyotra to shift its focus from the American continent to the BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India and China) countries. These countries not onlyn have a strong consumer demand, which has sustained the global crisis, but also advantages of low cost of production, cheap labour and liberalizing of foreign investment laws. Already, because of a decreasing market for its products in Japan, Toyota has also announced that it has plans to boost its sales in China in 2006, one of GMs major foreign markets. In fact, GM sales in China hit new records last year, with the company selling 665,390 vehicles there, a figure that was up 35.2% from the previous year. Toyota plans to overtake GMs by increasing its own sales in the country by 60%. It also says it will surpass its rival in global production this year with 9.2 million vehicles (GM produced a total of 9.12 million vehicles worldwide in 2005).  [33]  In October 2009, Toyota announced that it would begin producing car engines in India to take advantage of the countrys low-cost manufacturing costs. TM will produce these engines through Toyota Kirloskar, a division under Toyota which is 89% owned by TM and 11% owned by Indias Kirloskar group.  [34]  And plans to launch its first car in 2010. Strategic merger and acquisitions: In 1966, Toyota acquired Hino, which helped it build commercial trucks. Hino currently makes a wide variety of heavy trucks and buses, and was involved in designing and/or producing the Tacoma, T100, 4Runner (HiLux Surf), Sequoia, and Tundra  [35]  . In 1967, Toyota took control of Daihatsu but Toyota did not actually buy the whole company until 1999. Daihatsu supplies vehicles and major components to other automakers, and appears to be popular in South America. Denso was spun off of Toyota after World War II; it was once Toyotas electrical component division. It currently is a roughly $26 billion business with over 100,000 employees and over 170 subsidiaries, selling parts to many major automakers including American companies.  [36]  New United Motor Manufacturing, Inc. (NUMMI) was an automobile manufacturing plant in Fremont, California, opened in 1984 and closed in 2010. NUMMI was established at the site of a former GM site that had been closed two years earlier. GM and To yota reopened the factory as a joint venture in 1984 to manufacture vehicles to be sold under both brands.  [37]  All these mergers and acquisitions have helped Toyota either to learn the marketing know how and local knoeledge of a foreign market or have increased its product-process manufacturing capabilities. Focusing on environment friendly cars: Toyota has spent tremendously on RD in relation to environment friendly cars in light of the increasing environmental awareness of consumers and insistence of governments to cut down on emissions. 3. Critically evaluate the recent actions of Toyotas president, Akio Toyoda and the argument put forward in the article that Toyotas problems highlight failings in the Japanese model of corporate governance. What actions would you recommend the board of Toyota pursue in order to recover the companys reputation, with particular regard to how you would respond to the needs of its stakeholders? The term corporare governance refers to institutional practices designed to get optimal performace out of managers.  [38]  In the U.S. and U.K. corporate governance is concerned with ensuring the firm is run in the interests of shareholders and its objective is to create wealth for them. Underlying this view of corporate governance is Adam Smiths notion of the invisible hand of the market that he laid out in his seminal book The Wealth of Nations. If firms maximize the wealth of their shareholders and individuals pursue their own interests then the allocation of resources is efficient in the sense that nobody can be made better off without making somebody else worse off. In this view of the world the role of the firm in society is precisely to create wealth for shareholders. This fundamental idea is embodied in the legal framework in the U.S. and U.K. In these countries managers have a fiduciary (i.e. very strong) duty to act in the interests of shareholders. Japan is perhaps the most extreme example. Instead of focusing on the narrow view that firms should concentrate on creating wealth for their owners, corporate governance has

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Faith and Reason in The Nineteenth Century Essay -- Essays Papers

Faith and Reason in The Nineteenth Century Throughout history, there have been many trends and patterns that have allowed humankind to learn from its mistakes. This reflection on the past is an important characteristic that distinguishes humans from all other life on earth. To make sure that humans do not fall into the same evil devices that our forefathers did, we must examine how our faith and reason has progressed through the past few centuries. Reason began to be the sole factor that effected the direction life was taking. This rationalism even crept into the sphere of religious influence. In Europe during the nineteenth century, human reason made strides toward modernism by shifting focus onto the individual, and by applying what we had learned as a whole, thinkers intellectual advancements were used for the betterment of industry and society. During this same period in time, the church's power was subordinated to that of the state for the first time. In Europe, and especially in the tumultuous nation of France, the church faced fierce attacks from the governments of the nations. In France, this was more apparent than anywhere else. When the new government of Robespierre and the council of public safety came to power, they put vast restrictions on the power held by the Roman Catholic Church in France. To begin with, the government took church owned lands to pay off large amounts of debt that existed prior to the revolution. This was not an overly popular decision with the church. To further control the church, the National Assembly issued the Civil Constitution of the Clergy. This document placed the church below the state in the overall hierarchy of power. To put the loyalties of the divided clergy to the tes... ... found in Aspects of Western Civilization, 180. 7 Child Labor as found in Aspects of Western Civilization, 130. 8 Child Labor as found in Aspects of Western Civilization, 130. 9 Marx, Karl and Fiedrich Engels. The Communist Manifestoà ® as found in Aspects of Western Civilization, 149. 10 Marx and Engels. The Communist Manifesto as found in Aspects of Western Civilization, 150. 11 Owen, Robert. Utopian Socialism as found in Aspects of Western Civilization, 148. 12 Mazzini, Guiseppe. The Duties of Man as found in Aspects of Western Civilization, 166. 13 Mazzini, Guiseppe. The Duties of Man as found in Aspects of Western Civilization, 166. 14 Mazzini, Guiseppe. The Duties of Man as found in Aspects of Western Civilization, 165. 15 Mazzini, Guiseppe. The Duties of Man as found in Aspects of Western Civilization, 165.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Csr Work by Coca-Cola

Coca-Cola India Wins Golden Peacock Global Award for Corporate Social Responsibility Coca-Cola India was awarded the prestigious 2008 Golden Peacock Global Award for Corporate Social Responsibility on Feb. 15 during a global conference in Vilamoura, Portugal. Dr. Ola Ullsten, former prime minister of Sweden, presented the award to Deepak Jolly, Vice-President, Public Affairs & Communication, Coca-Cola India, on behalf of the Company.The Golden Peacock Global CSR Award showcases the â€Å"human face of business† by recognizing the continuing commitment of companies â€Å"to behave ethically and contribute to economic development while improving the quality of life of the workforce, their families and the local community and society at large. † A distinguished jury chaired by Dr. Ola Ullsten, former prime minister of Sweden, selected this year’s Golden Peacock award winners. Presenting the award to the Company, Dr.Ola Ullsten, said, â€Å"Golden Peacock Awards hav e been instituted by World Council for Corporate Governance, UK to create competitiveness in the area of Corporate Social Responsibility. We are hopeful that Coca-Cola India’s effort in promoting sustainable communities sets an example for other organizations to follow. † Her Excellency Ms. Nilima Mitra Ambassador of India in Portugal said that she was very impressed with the manner in which Coca Cola is fulfilling its CSR in India in water management and conservation especially the intervention to ensure potable water to 1000 primary schools in India.Commenting on the Coca-Cola India winning the award, Atul Singh, President & CEO, Coca-Cola India, said, â€Å"Coca-Cola India has always placed high value on good citizenship and has undertaken several initiatives for community development and inclusive growth. We are gratified to receive this global award and are humbled at being recognized for the little contributions that we have been able to make to preserve and prot ect the environment and towards community development. We are also establishing the Coca-Cola India Foundation which will further strive to make a positive impact on local communities.The Company remains committed to work with stakeholders and communities across the country in its bid to contribute to mutual growth and development. † The award recognizes Coca-Cola India’s water conservation/management and community development initiatives. The Company has installed 320 Rain Water Harvesting (RWH) structures in 17 states and has restored several traditional water bodies like the Sarai Bawari and Kale Hanuman ki Bawari in Jaipur and check dams across the country.Additionally, the Company recently set a target to reach a â€Å"net-zero† balance with respect to groundwater usage by 2009 and launched the â€Å"Elixir of life† project to provide drinking water to nearly 30,000 children in 100 primary and panchayat schools in and around Chennai. The Company plans to provide clean drinking water in 1,000 schools by 2010. Coca-Cola India also promotes sustainable packaging through PET recycling and has undertaken several projects in the areas of primary health, primary education and infrastructure for local communities.The Company has undertaken these Citizenship initiatives in partnership with government, NGOs, educational institutions and local communities. In 2006, the World Environment Foundation (WEF) honored Coca-Cola India with the Golden Peacock Environment Management Special Commendation Award for its world-class environment practices. Dr. Olla Ullsten, former Prime Minister of Sweden and Chairman of the Awards jury presenting the Golden Peacock Global Award for Corporate Social Responsibility to Deepak Jolly, Vice President, Public Affairs & Communication, Coca-Cola India.Local community using water from the rejuvenated Sarai Bawari at Amer, near Jaipur, RajasthanA photo of the drinking water project in 100 schools, launched by the Company in Chennai, which will benefit nearly 30,000 children on completion Kaladera Community Recognizes Coca-Cola’s Community Initiatives Rakesh Pathak, Unit HR Manager, Kaladera plant & Sunil Sharma being felicitated by Chhittarmal Hatwal, Sarpanch (head) of Kaladera at the community event Coca-Cola India was recently acknowledged for the various citizenship initiatives in & around Kaladera in Jaipur, Rajasthan.Rakesh Pathak, Unit HR Manager, Kaladera plant and Sunil Sharma, who’s been associated with the company for a long time, were felicitated by the villagers of Dabar Basti in Kaladera. As part of public-private partnership, Coca-Cola installed a new bore well recently in the area to provide water in the houses of villagers. Chhittarmal Hatwal, Sarpanch (head) of Kaladera presented a Safa (head gear) to Rakesh Pathak & Sunil Sharma as a mark of gratitude to the company. â€Å"We are deeply honored by the recognition of the people of Kaladera† said Rakesh Pathak. Coca-Cola India has always placed very high value on citizenship and has taken various initiatives to conserve water the area. â€Å" Coca-Cola India has worked with the government, local bodies & the entire community of Kaladera in the area of water conservation. This includes restoration of Sarai Bawari & Kale Hanuman ki Bawari – historical step wells (over 400 years old), providing water to the people of the community. The company has constructed over 140 recharge shafts in the area. Rain water harvesting projects have been set up in various schools, government bodies & the community areas. No other company has ever come forward & worked towards the welfare of the Kaladera Community except Coca-Cola. We appreciate the efforts taken by Coca-Cola for the conservation of water in Kaladera. † Chhittarmal Hatwal, Sarpanch (head) of Kaladera. In addition, Coca-Cola India has undertaken an annual scholarship program for the students in the nearby villages for the f ifth consecutive year. Amongst various educational initiatives, Coca-Cola also supports ’Aap Ki Beti’ (your daughter) program to provide education to a girl child.Community Recognition to Coca-Cola India Certificate of appreciation given by Cultural Council, Kaladera Community in Rajasthan Coca-Cola India was recently acknowledged for the various citizenship initiatives in & around Kaladera in Jaipur, Rajasthan. Sunil Sharma, who’s been associated with Coca-Cola India, received the certificate of appreciation on behalf of the company from the Cultural Council of the Kaladera community during the celebration of Holi, the festival of colors & joy. I’m deeply honored by the recognition of the people of Kaladera† said Sunil Sharma with his face painted in the colors of festivity. â€Å"Coca-Cola India has always placed very high value on citizenship and has taken various initiatives to conserve water the area. â€Å" Coca-Cola India has worked with th e government, local bodies & the entire community of Kaladera in the area of water conservation. This includes restoration of Sarai Bawari & Kale Hanuman ki Bawari – historical step wells (over 400 years old), providing water to the people of the community.The company has constructed over 140 recharge shafts in the area. Rain water harvesting projects have been set up in various schools, government bodies & the community areas. Sitaram Sanwaria, President, Cultural council, Kaladera Community and a local resident, presenting the certification of appreciation to Sunil Sharma, as a token of appreciation to Coca-Cola India for its community efforts during Holi celebrations, a festival of colors where people play with colors and have fun & enjoyment.The festival aims at bringing the society together & strengthen the social fabric of the country â€Å"No other company has ever come forward & worked towards the welfare of the Kaladera Community except Coca-Cola. We appreciate the efforts taken by Coca-Cola for the conservation of water in Kaladera. † said Bhura Mal Sharma, a 65 year old farmer. â€Å"The Rain water systems installed by Coca-Cola ensure that the rain water goes back into the ground which is very beneficial to the farmers and if we get good rains this year the results will speak for themselves. Said Shri Hanuman Sahaya 70-year-old farmer. In addition, Coca-Cola India has undertaken an annual scholarship program for the students in the nearby villages for the fifth consecutive year. Amongst various educational initiatives, Coca-Cola also supports ’Aap Ki Beti’ (your daughter) program to provide education to a girl child. â€Å"The roads, hospitals, medical camps, hand pumps etc. all indicate that Coca-Cola cares for Kaladera. We are confident that the company will carry on need based developmental programs in future also. aid Shri Bhagwan Sahai ji, a local social worker and leader. The presence of a company like Coca-Cola in the area is a blessing for the local people of Kaladera. † added Shiv Sahay, a 60 year old farmer and a civil contractor. â€Å"The certificate of appreciation that we to Mr. Sunil Sharma is a token of thanks for the relentless efforts of Coca-Cola for the welfare of the community†, said Sitaram Sanwaria, President, Cultural council, Kaladera Community. â€Å"There is no better ways to be recognized for your dedicated community efforts than by the people of the community themselves.Getting such a recognition at Holi, which is a festival of colors and binds people together shows the confidence that the community has in us†, concluded Sunil Sharma. Coca-Cola wins Bhagidari Award- Fourth time in a row Coca-Cola India won the Delhi Government's Bhagidari Award for the 4th consecutive year for its efforts in Water Conservation and Community Development. The award was presented on the second day of the two day Bhagidari Utsav at Pragati Maidan, New Delhi on February 3, 2007 by the Hon'ble Chief Minister of Delhi, Smt.Ms. Sheila Dikshit. We took this opportunity to also present the Water Calendar 2007 to the Hon'ble CM. The Bhagidari Utsav is an annual event to celebrate the success of ‘Bhagidari' – A public -private-community partnership program launched by the Delhi government a few years ago. Hon'ble CM visiting the Company stall at the Bhagidari Utsav 2007 Among the highlights of the Utsav was an exhibition cum display by some of the partners of the Delhi government, where each partner showcased its initiatives to make Delhi a ‘better' place.In recognition of Coca-Cola's efforts in Water Conservation and PET Recycling, we were given two stalls to outline our initiatives in these areas. Ms. Dikshit was one of the first to visit our PET Recycling stall and after being briefed on our PET Recycling program, she urged the Company to spread the awareness on PET Recycling not just amongst the visitors to the Bhagidari Utsav but also among people at large. Our Water Conservation stall was visited both by the Hon'ble Chief Minister Ms. Sheila Dikshit as well as by the Hon'ble Mr. A. K. Walia, Minister for Finance, Planning, P.W. D ; Urban Development, and Delhi Government, who were briefed about the various programs undertaken by the Company to spread awareness and to conserve water. The dignitaries were very appreciative of our efforts. We had showcased a device called ‘Drip Gauge' for the first time in the country at the stall. Drip Gauge is a simple but effective tool to sensitize people to save water. A 3-D Rain Water Harvesting (RWH) model demonstrating the utility, functioning and commissioning of Rain Water Harvesting projects at individual households ; residential colonies was also on display.In addition, people were apprised of simple methods to Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Recharge water in their daily lives. Our stalls evoked tremendous response from all stakeholders and nearly 3000 people vis ited our stalls during the event. Of these, nearly 2500 participated in the two quiz contests that we ran at the stalls. Several Resident Welfare Associations and NGOs also approached us seeking our guidance and help for RWH and PET Recycling programs in their colonies. St. Agnes College (Mangalore University) Wins The First Jimmy ; Rosalynn Carter Partnership Award in India from left) President Jimmy Carter, Ms Rosalynn Carter, Dr Sue Sehgal, Founder ; President Jimmy ; Rosalynn Carter Foundation, Sister Carmel Rita from St Agnes College and other members of the College. President Jimmy Carter ; Ms Rosalynn Carter personally presented the Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter Partnership Award for Campus-Community Collaboration to St. Agnes College (Mangalore University) for the exemplary work done by them in the field of ‘Watershed Management & Development'. The award has been brought into India by Coca-Cola India in association with Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce ; Industry (FICCI).?The coveted award serves as one of the highest recognition for academic-service learning to educational institutions for outstanding ‘Campus Community' Learning programs. St Agnes received a special handcrafted golden globe trophy, a citation ; a cash prize of US $ 10,000. The 2nd and 3rd runner's up i. e. Punjab University for its Literacy Program & Aligarh Muslim University for its Pulse Polio Immunization Program also received a citation and a cash prize of US $ 3000 and US$ 2000 respectively.The winner was selected by the Foundation based on the combined merits of each program out of scores of applications received for the award. Speaking on the occasion, President Jimmy Carter said,†This will be the first presentation of this award outside the United States, and it is particularly significant to me that India is the next country to embrace this recognition of service. Many years ago my mother, who was a nurse and Peace Corps volunteer, ministered to Indian citizens.That experience touched her deeply, and the emotion she felt, and also the love for India has filtered through to me through her recollections. † Also present at the Award Ceremony were Shri Kapil Sibal, Honorable Minister for Science & Technology & Earth Sciences, Government of India & Aparna Sen, noted film actor, director. According to Atul Singh, President & CEO, Coca-Cola India, â€Å"President Carter and Coca-Cola share a strong belief in the benefit of working for the local communities. As an example our Company is actively spearheading water sustainability and conservation programs in India.We have so far commissioned more than 220 rain water harvesting structures in 17 Indian states both at bottling plants and in the local communities. We are constantly trying to benefit the communities where we operate. â€Å" Carter Partnership Awards celebrate schools, communities, and businesses working together to make a difference in the lives of people in need. The A ward aims to be a powerful motivator for the academic community to develop community service programs in their curriculum and encourages the student community to inculcate values of selfless service and empathy towards the community.Other members present at the function included, Mr. S K Poddar, President FICCI, Dr Sue Sehgal, Founder & President, Jimmy & Rosalynn Carter Partnership Foundation, Shri Farookh Abdullah, eminent parliamentarian, Naveen Jindal (Member of Parliament) & other well known personalities. Cola-Cola India wins the Bhagidari award from the Delhi government for its efforts in community development The Company has already executed nearly 200 rain water harvesting structures across 17 states Coca-Cola India has plans to undertake 40 new rain water harvesting projects during the current yearThe company is also working with local communities in various states on projects like Paper & PET recycling, education and clean environment projects Coca-Cola India won the â₠¬ËœBhagidari award' on February 25, 2006, in New Delhi, for its contribution in water conservation & environment management programmes and for its contribution to community development, from the Delhi Government. This is the third year in a row that the company has won this award. Mr. Atul Singh, President & CEO, Coca-Cola India received the award from the Hon’ble Chief Minister of Delhi, Ms.Sheila Dikshit on behalf of the company at a function during the Bhagidari Utsav at the Pragati Maidan in New Delhi. Coca-Cola India is supporting several rain water harvesting projects spread across 17 states with nearly 200 rain water harvesting structures. The company plans to take up another 40 such projects by the end of the year. The company is currently engaged in such projects in the states of Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Bihar, Delhi, Gujarat, Goa, Jammu & Kashmir, Jharkhand, Kerala, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Orissa, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal.I n addition to this, the company has also undertaken various projects in the areas of Paper & PET recycling and Education & clean environment in partnership with local communities in different states. On receiving the award, Mr. Atul Singh, President & CEO, Coca-Cola India, said, Water is a subject that is loaded with urgency and even emotion. It is a critical global challenge and it will take a wide variety of efforts, most of them at a local level to overcome the problem.At Coca-Cola we have undertaken numerous projects across the country in partnership with local communities for their development and we continue to look for areas where private-public partnerships can bring about good results. We are honoured to get this award and we are thankful to the government and to the residents of the state for giving us an opportunity to partner them in some truly path breaking community development initiatives. The Coca-Cola Company has always placed high value on good citizenship. At th e heart of business is a mission statement called the Coca-Cola Promise.It says, quite simply, that The Coca-Cola Company exists to benefit and refresh everyone who is touched by our business†. This basic proposition means that the company’s business should refresh the markets, protect, preserve and enhance the environment and strengthen the community. Coca-Cola India provides extensive support for community programs across the country, with a focus on education, health and water conservation. Bhubaneswar Team wins 2005 Pollution Control Excellence Award! The winning Bhubaneswar Team with their trophy The â€Å"Pollution Control Excellence Award† for 2005 has been awarded o HCCBPL Khurda unit, by the Orissa State Pollution Control Board. The award went to the Khurda team for achieving excellence in implementation of pollution control systems in the plant and for their constant efforts for protection of the environment. The Pollution Control Excellence Award is a n annual award given to industries that excel in environment protection. Khurda's multiple initiatives – PET recycling, Vermicomposting and Rain water harvesting, in addition to its Environment practices to prevent/control pollution bagged the unit this award.Khurda beat over 20 shortlisted industries throughout the state for the award. The award was presented on the 23rd Foundation Day Celebration of the State Pollution Control Board, Orissa by S. P. Nanda, Principal Secretary, Dept. of Environment ; Forests Govt. of Orissa on 16th September 2005. The Award was received by the Region – Vice President Mr. T. Krishna Kumar. Speaking on the occasion Mr. L. N. Pattnaik – PCB Chairman lauded the efforts of the company in the field of environment protection. Best Organization Award to Coca-Cola India – giving equal opportunity to differently-abled people.H. E Shri T V Rajeshwar felicitating Mr. Ashutosh Bhardwaj, Area General Manager, Hindustan Coca-Cola Beve rages Pvt. Ltd. Varanasi The State Government of Uttar Pradesh, under the aegis of Directorate, Handicapped Welfare conferred Hindustan Coca-Cola Beverages Pvt. Ltd. , Varanasi with the Best Organization Award for allowing differently-abled people to prosper ; carve a niche for themselves in the professional world. The Award was given by the Governor of the State, H. E. Shri T V Rajeshwar to the Area General Manager, Hindustan Coca-Cola Beverages Pvt.Ltd. Varanasi, Mr. Ashutosh Bhardwaj, in a function organized at Sahkarita Bhawan, Lucknow, to mark the World Disability Day on December 3, 2005. According to Mr. Ashutosh Bhardwaj, it’s a policy at Coca-Cola to give equal status ; provide equal opportunity to the differently-abled people who are in a perfect physical condition. They are especially trained to carry out certain responsibility. Anomalies should not hamper the growth of an individual. At present, twelve differently-abled people are working as Bottle Inspectors (bott le supervisors) in the unit.The Company shared this award with B. C. G. School for the Deaf, Varanasi. Patna Unit wins CSR Award 2004-05! Saurabh Pande, AGM, Patna receives the CSR award Our Patna Unit has been awarded ‘Corporate Social Responsibility Award' for the year 2004 05 by the J. M. Institute of Speech and Hearing, Patna. The award was given to the Patna Unit for the continued support provided towards upliftment of physically challenged children. Since last one-year, the principal focus of Patna Units Citizenship activities has been supporting the physically challenged.The multiple initiatives in this direction include Organizing Sports for Deaf and Dumb, Cultural Programmes, Educational Trip to Plants etc. The Award was presented to the AGM, Patna – Mr. Saurabh Pande, by the Lokayukth of Bihar, Shri Narmadeshwar Pande in a ceremonial function held in Patna on 24-September 2005, the International Deaf ; Dumb Day. Coca-Cola India Receives Bhagidari Award From Th e Delhi Government -Only Corporate to be presented with this award in recognition for its Citizenship Program- Honourable Chief Minister of Delhi, Ms.Sheila Dikshit presented a Commendation Certificate to Coca-Cola India for its contribution in the Bhagidari scheme recognizing the Company's efforts and contribution towards community development programs. The Company received the award at a glittering ceremony during the Bhagidari Utsav at Pragati Maidan in New Delhi. The Utsav was attended by more than 5,000 citizens of the city. Bhagidari celebrates the spirit of collective responsibility between citizens and Government agencies for improving urban infrastructure and environment. On receiving the award, Division President, said, we are honoured to get this recognition.Citizenship at Coca-Cola India is integral to our business and we continue to work with local communities across the country. Coca-Cola India has implemented a host of citizenship projects in Delhi under the Bhagidar i scheme including: Rainwater harvesting projects Clean Delhi Campaign in association with the Government of Delhi PET and Paper recycling projects in schools Tree plantation drives with Department of Environment Vermi-composting The company had earlier also received a special award from the Delhi Government in 2002 for its active participation in the Bhagidari programme.Government Acknowledges Coca-Cola’s Concern for The Disabled Chennai 16th August 2004: Hindustan Coca-Cola Beverages Pvt. Ltd. has been honoured as the ‘BEST PRIVATE COMPANY’ in the State by the Government of Tamil Nadu for its contribution to the communities in providing employment opportunities to physically challenged people. Ms. J. Jayalalitha, Honourable Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu, presented the award to the company at a simple function here on the occasion of the occasion of Independence Day. The Company employs 88 people with hearing and speaking disability, who work as â€Å"Special In spectors† at its Nemam plant near Chennai.They have been trained by the Company to observe the bottles and check for any foreign particles during quality check. Coca-Cola India awarded the Bombay Stock Exchange Award for Social and Corporate Governance 2009 Coca-Cola India has been awarded the Social and Corporate Governance Award for Best Practices in Corporate Social Responsibility 2009. The award which has been instituted by Bombay Stock Exchange Limited, Nasscom Foundation and Times Foundation recognizes and honours organisations for their contribution to society.Coca-Cola India was declared as one of the four winners of the award in recognition of its community development and sustainability initiatives in the four pillars of marketplace, workplace, environment and community. The other winners include prestigious organisations like IT major Infosys, Construction conglomerate Larsen & Toubro and leading bank, The Punjab National Bank. Jury Members of the Bombay Stock Exch ange Social and Corporate Governance Award 2009 at the award presentation ceremony. Harish Mehta, Founder,Nasscom Foundation presenting the Bombay Stock Exchange Social and Corporate Governance Award 2009 to Deepak Jolly, VP PAC, INSWABU on behalf of Coca-Cola India. According to Mr. Atul Singh, President & CEO, INSWABU, â€Å"It is an honour for Coca-Cola India to receive this award for a well rounded effort in the sphere of corporate governance and social responsibility. This is a just reward for all the initiatives that has been put into restoring the growth and image of the Coca-Cola system in India by more than 25,000 system associates and I congratulate each of one of them for winning this prestigious award.Recognitions like these will further encourage us to strengthen our programs towards making a meaningful difference in the lives of millions of people that we touch daily. † This award comes is the third in a series of corporate responsibility awards won by the Comp any in 2010. Notable among these are the Golden Peacock Global CSR Award for the second consecutive year and the Frost & Sullivan Green Excellence Award for Corporate Leadership. Coca-Cola India was one amongst the